Monday, March 30, 2009


im gonna be inactive for a few months as you all know i am in form 5 this year, so there are a lot of h/ws and test going on. I dont have the frigging time to post any of this O: oh god its so tiring, well till here peeps, peace out V D:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Vacationn ! :D

OMG , i totally forgot to tell you guys that im going to singapore, melacca and KL :O
surprise!! xD
= = okay that was lame
so yea im going on a vacation with my aunt and her family,
my parent are not following for some personal reasons :)
im so excited now.LALALALA
3 more days...

ok then, back to business. LOL i sound so serious.
theres been a while since i've blogged because i was lazy. hahaha
so before i go, i wanted to inform you guys eventhought you guys are not needed to be informed = =
omg now im speechless, i mean clueless. zzz

so today i went to escapade for lunch with my parents without my sis,
so yummyyy, i tried this new dish 'what what' fish liver, i forgot what the "what what" was
haha sounds funny, it was yummy as hell. NO. not yummy as hell, hell is not yummy. i mean heaven :] hahaaa

and after that i went to seria to do some shopping and then i met "Wan Ting" ,
so i told my mom,
me : "eh mi, thats the girl who has the same birthdate as me"
mom: " ohh, so ? "
then i. " = = , fine "

so thats it, when i get back from my vacation,
i'll post on photos :D
so wait till i get back


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bandarrr :D

so i went to bandar on dec 2 which is a tues or isit. OMG i forgot
well the details is with michelle (my cousin) not the other one ==
go check her blogg :]

these few days i bo mood blog cause my 4GB MP4 has been accidentally washed by my washing machine. diu la so beh song my amah, dunno how to check before put in washing machine = =
this is the first time that my amah has ever dont such a thing. grr

ahh, i lazy cont edii
i still feel beh song 8[


Friday, November 28, 2008

first ever tag :O

I was tagged by Michelle Lee :O

Instructions: Remove any number of questions from below, and add in your personal questions, then tag any number of people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. What do you do most for the time being?
==> Eat, Sleep, Drink :D

2. What is your favourite animal(s)?
==> dogs and cars. LOLLL cars i mean cats :)

3. What is your one regret in life?
==> not to kill someone during kindy

4. Who inspires you?
==> No one~ no one~ no one~

5. Tell me something I don't know about your family background.
==>Dad's dad - China man , Mum's dad - limbang woman

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
==> NO WAY!

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
==> my friends ?

8. What can cheer you up from sadness?
==> chatting. zz

9. Have you ever fall madly in love?
==> not yet.

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
1. good points eyy? so hard to list'em
2. shes my cousin
3. she is so happy all the time

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
==> i want my left lungs and kidney working if you are referring to my boday!

12. What's the best thing that happened to you?
==> got taller xD

13. What is your ambition?
==> i have not yet think of that yet.

14. Describe your life in one word.
==> Life

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
==> Happehh

16. If you are told you can enter any university in this world, Oxbridge excluded, what university will you enter?
==> erm. UBD? LOLL

17. Who is the persons (peoples) that you can share all your problems with?
==> fufui. yea only him, im so lonely

18. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
==> rich beyond my wildest dreams. haha i gonna stop dreamingg

19. You accidentally deleted this question.
==> like i care

20. What is your dream job?
==> doing nothing and earning moneh

Since my other linked friends already did the tag,


retained :[

so i got my report card on thursday.
and i failed :[
im so sad :[

omg, i was kidding ;D
i was promoted to form 5 xD
but i think teacher didnt let us promote so easily
cause many of us did badly in final unlike my seniors
so next year i have to work super hard to get high marks in my O'levels :O
so its gonna be super duper stressful :X
and im gonna relax this year. heehee
ohh my gawdd, im so friggin bored
noones chatting with me :(
* emo *

ahh my blogg is so friggin boringgg
no pictures no nothin'
well at least i changed my bg which looks better now
ok now. im gonna stop here
and gonna do the tag now by michelle LEE not LAI
so dont prasan

sean 11.04 28.11.08

Monday, November 24, 2008

a whilee

its been a while since i've blogged
thats because i have been busy with my freaking computer
its so RETARDED now :[
have to take him to see doctor edi
but still i can online :D
but my dota =[

till here;
im too lazyy to continuee

sean 10.49 p.m 24.11.08